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A Lament
How long, O Lord? How long will the blood of children cry from the dust? How long will hostages be held and celebrations be made of...

#5 The Lord’s Prayer: A Lighthouse Reflection
'For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.' At Lighthouse, we say these words together — sometimes...

#4 The Lord’s Prayer: A Lighthouse Reflection
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil At Lighthouse, this line of the Lord’s Prayer carries weight. It’s prayed by those...

#3 The Lord’s Prayer: A Lighthouse Reflection
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us Each Sunday at Lighthouse, after we’ve prayed for the kingdom to come, after...

#2The Lord’s Prayer: A Lighthouse Reflection
Give us this day our daily bread Each Sunday at Lighthouse, after cries for the kingdom to come, we move to the next line of the prayer...

#1 The Lord’s Prayer- A Lighthouse Reflection
Each Sunday at Lighthouse, after a burst of heart-felt, honest, and holy prayer — the kind that comes when people have nothing left to...

Advent Four: A Meditation and Prayer
Advent is a season of holy tension. It draws us to look back—to the miracle of the incarnation, when God took on flesh and entered the...

Advent Three: A Meditation and Prayer for a World in Crisis
As we find ourselves within the sacred season of Advent, we are drawn into a holy space—a space of quiet reflection, deep longing, and...

Advent One: A Reflection for a World in Crisis
Advent is a season that speaks to the heart of our broken world. It is a time of holy tension, where lament and hope intertwine. The...

Creation Sings/Creation Groans
Father of Creation, God of Beauty, You have crafted a world of wonder, That leaves us breathless, And you declared it to be good. To you...

Cruciform Liturgy: Wealth & poverty
Leader: Let us gather in humility and reverence as we reflect on the words of our Lord Jesus Christ concerning wealth and poverty. His...
Birds: A Prayer
Father of Creation, God of Beauty, You created a world of wonder, And you declared it to be good, And it is good. To you be all praise...

Cosmic Temple: A Prayer for the Climate and Ecological Emergency
Father of Creation, God of Compassion, The earth as a cosmic temple presents itself as a symphony of praise; A rich diversity of song and...

In the Heart of the Woodland: An Imaginative Prayer Journey (For those with Climate & Ecological Grief)
Step 1: Setting the Scene "Close your eyes and imagine yourself stepping into a tranquil English woodland, where each step draws you...

Unrestrained Capitalist: You Beast
Savage, unrestrained capitalism is the air our civilization breathes—a profound modern myth, a beastly empire that comes to steal, kill,...

Lay Down the Sword: A Prayer
Father of Creation, God of Peace, We praise you for your son Jesus, The Lamb upon the Throne. We praise you that your son Jesus said,...

Fly Away- A Prayer for Flights and Flying
29. Fly Away Father of Creation , God of Faithfulness, If we ascend up into heaven, You are there: and if we make our bed in hell, you...

Echoes of Redemption
Click the picture above to access the book. Endorsements for my last book ‘Lament & Hope’. ‘We need Jon Swales at this time – pastor,...

An Honest Lament
God of Creation, To the one who others say is love. The earths groans, Our hearts ache. As we head further into climate breakdown. We...

Ash Wednesday Liturgy for a Climate & Ecological Emergency
Almighty God, The Creator of All that is, You created us from the dust of the earth, And breathed upon us and gave us the gift of life....

Trinity of Love
Father of Creation, God of Compassion, We thank you that you take your place within a Holy Trinity of Love who rules and reigns with...

New Year 23/24: A Prayer
Father of Creation, God of Faithfulness, The First and the Last, You show your love to us through time. Every moment of existence is a...

Advent Four
Father of Creation, God of Hope, We marvel at the sacred mystery of faith, The incarnation, The enfleshment of your Son, Fully God, Fully...

Advent 3: A Prayer
Father of Creation, In our bleak mid-winter, we are confronted again With Something startling Something shocking And something profoundly...

Advent Two: A Prayer
Father of Creation, God of Hope, The prophets speak, And dream and hope For a different world, The age to come. Maranatha. Father of...

COP 28: A Prayer
Father of Creation, God of Compassion, We thank you for the fragile gift of life, And the beautiful world that you made. To you be all...

Advent One: A Prayer
Advent One Father of Creation, God of Hope. The prophets of old looked forward, With expectation, And anticipation, To the arrival of the...

Awake, O Sleeper
Father of Creation, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, With confidence, We approach your throne of grace to receive mercy, and find...

Shelter from the Storm (Psalm 55)
Father of Creation, God of Justice, Hide not yourself from our pleas for mercy! Attend to us, Attend to your world and our home. Answer...

World on Fire
Father of Creation, God of Compassion, Your world is on fire, Our home is on fire. Our hearts ache, We struggle to come to terms with...

Exodus & Empire: A Prayer
Father of Creation, God of Redemption, We have heard it said of old, That you acted in history, To redeem your people from tyranny, From...

Cruciform Adaptation:A Prayer
Father of Creation, God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son wept when he saw what would befall the city. He longed to gather...

How Long, O Lord?
How long, O Lord, Will sea levels rise? How high, O Lord, Will sea levels rise? Before you step in and save and rescue? How long, O Lord,...

Perform & Participate
Perform and Participate Father of Creation, God of Justice, Your Son proclaimed and enacted the reign of God, He showed us what this...

Soil: A Prayer
22- The Soil Father of Creation, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, You created a world of wonder, And declared it to be good....

Woe to the Unholy Trinity
Father of Creation, God of Compassion, You made a world full of possibility and potential, You declared it to be good. For this, we give...

Diversity & Endlings
Father of Creation, God of Grace, We thank you for the gift of this world. For beauty, For the gift of life and love. Father of Creation...

Wild Goose of Love (A to Z)
33: Wild Goose of Love (A to Z) Father of Creation, God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The earth was formless and void, The earth...

A Prayer for the Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels
Father of Creation, God of Justice, As we face the reality of climate breakdown, The earth groans, Our hearts ache, Lord have mercy. We...

Trees- A Prayer
Father of Creation, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, You created a world of wonder, You declared it to be good. The world was...

Open & Unafraid: A Prayer
Father of Creation, God of Compassion, Our hearts are heavy, Our souls are sad, For we are overwhelmed, By waves of climate grief....

Symphony of Praise
Father of Creation, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, You made a world of wonder, A world that takes our breath away. You declared...

Come, Holy Spirit: A Call to Worship for a World in Crisis
Father of Creation, God of Compassion, We thank you that we gather together as your sons and daughters. We thank you for the world that...

A Community Lament for Climate Breakdown
Father of Creation, God of Compassion You created a world of wonder, Of possibility and potential. You declared it to be good. For this,...

Father of Creation, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, You created a world of wonder, You declared it to be good. Your Spirit...

Just Stop Oil- A Prayer
Father of Creation, God of Compassion, You created a world of wonder, Of possibility and potential. You declared it to be good. For this...

Evening Prayer: Lament and Liturgy for Climate Breakdown
Father of Creation, The Beginning and the End. As our evening prayer rises before you, So may your Spirit descend, And hold us in your...

Morning Prayer: Liturgy and Lament for a World in Climate Breakdown
Father of Creation, The beginning and the end. This day has never existed before in the history of the cosmos, And yet here we are with...

Rivers: A Prayer for the Climate & Ecological Emergency
Father of Creation, The first and the last, You created a world of wonder, Full of possibility and potential, You declared it to be good....
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