You promised to bind up the brokenhearted and comfort those who mourn.
Yet, at this moment, it feels as though those assurances are distant.
You declare that you answer prayers,
but as the church fervently prays
for Israel and Gaza,
we find ourselves facing a reality
far removed from the peace we implored.
Instead of restraint,
we witness an alarming escalation.
Our prayers remain unanswered.
Death and destruction have cast their shadow.
Women weep, children are killed,
and a hospital,
a place of sanctuary and healing,
now lies in ruins.
We question in our hearts: Are you for real?
Are you truly present?
Are you asleep at the wheel? Do you care?
In the Scriptures,
we remember how your Son, our Savior,
was asleep in a boat while a tempest raged around.
The frightened disciples woke him,
and with a word,
he commanded the storms to be still.
We implore you:
Wake up!
Calm the storms of war.
We beg,
Wake up!
Bring the peace we are looking for.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
