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Advent Four

Father of Creation,

God of Hope,

We marvel at the sacred mystery of faith,

The incarnation,

The enfleshment of your Son,

Fully God,

Fully Man,


To Him be all praise and glory.

Father of Creation,

God of Hope,

We marvel at the sacred mystery of faith,

Word became flesh,

Love became dust,

Beauty revealed,


To Him be all praise and glory.

Your life, O Lord, which has bubbled up from eternity,

Has now stepped into time.

Your love, O Lord, which created a world of wonder,

Pitched a tent and took up the human cause.

And yet, our Christmas carols,

Our advent anthems,

And joyous joy at the incarnation

Are cojoined with songs of lamentation,

For a world plunging headlong into climate devastation.

Lord Jesus Christ,

You took up flesh,

But we take up the sword of ecological violence.

Lord Jesus Christ,

You sanctified dust and walked this cosmic temple,

But we plunder and pillage Your Father’s world.

Lord Jesus Christ,

You welcomed the weak and loved the lost,

But we turn our backs on the world's most vulnerable.


Come Lord Jesus,

Bring Your justice,

Set the world to rights,

But Lord, remember mercy.


Come Lord Jesus,

Bring Your justice,

Set the world to rights,

But Lord, remember mercy.

Father of Creation,

God of Hope,

We thank You that the birth of Jesus,

The incarnation,

Shows that matter matters,

That everything is spiritual.

To You be all praise and glory.

Father of Creation,

God of Hope,

Equip Your church afresh to behold the holy mystery,

May our wonder and our worship of the enfleshment of God

Lead to lives of care, compassion, and service for the world which You came to save.

May we wait for the return of Your Son,

Jesus the God-Man,


embodied Love,

embodied Hope,

And embodied Peace.

Maranatha, Come, Lord Jesus,

Maranatha, Come, Lord Jesus,

Maranatha, Come, Lord Jesus.



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