Father of Creation,
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
With confidence,
We approach your throne of grace
to receive mercy,
and find grace
and help in our time of need.
To you be all praise and glory.
Our need is great,
for we face shipwreck in the storm of climate breakdown.
Our need is great,
as the winds of unrestrained capitalism
and the waves of consumerism
have charted a course to ruin.
Lord, have mercy.
Our need is great,
for your church has fallen asleep at the wheel.
Lord, have mercy.
Our need is great,
but your grace is greater,
and your mercy ever sweet.
To you be praise and glory.
Father of Creation,
Remember your great mercy and love,
for they are from of old.
Do not remember the sins of our arrogant youth
and our rebellious ways;
We have drunk deeply from the wells of empire,
Our vision is blurred,
we stagger about as though blind,
unaware of what befalls.
As temperatures rise,
remember us,
for you, O Lord, are good.
As sea levels rise,
remember us,
for you, O Lord, are good.
Our need is great,
but your grace is greater,
and your mercy ever sweet.
To you be praise and glory.
Father of Creation,
Out of the depths, we cry to you, Lord;
Hear our voice.
Let your ears be attentive
to our cry for mercy.
And perhaps, Lord, you have a word for us,
a word for your sleeping church.
Perhaps, O Father, you would say:
‘Awake, O Sleeper, and rise from the dead.
I have called you to be the hands and feet of my Son.’
For such a time as this,
I have called my church to compassion,
I have called my church to justice.
‘Awake, O Sleeper, and rise from the dead.
I have called my church to look and love like Jesus.’
To welcome the climate refugee,
feed the hungry,
live as peacemakers,
embody mercy,
speak truth to power,
build community,
live humbly,
flip tables of injustice.
Do justice
to live lives of self-giving sacrificial love.
Father of Creation,
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
with confidence,
we approach your throne of grace
to receive mercy
and find grace
and help in our time of need.
To you be all praise and glory.
Our need is great,
for we face shipwreck in the storm of climate breakdown.
Our need is great,
as the winds of unrestrained capitalism
and the waves of consumerism
have charted a course to ruin.
Lord, have mercy.
Our need is great,
for your church has fallen asleep at the wheel.
Lord, have mercy.
Our need is great,
but your grace is greater,
and your mercy ever sweet.
To you be praise and glory.
Amen, Amen, Amen.