Father of Creation,
God of Compassion,
The earth as a cosmic temple presents itself as a symphony of praise;
A rich diversity of song and dance,
From a whole range of characters who Inhabit,
And point to you
As the giver of gifts.
Father of Creation,
God of Compassion,
From mountain heights to ocean depths,
Across the seasons,
Non-human worshippers worship
With a stunning array of unique characteristics and colours.
The willow tree bows in reverent praise,
Whilst birds in flight perform a waltz of wonder.
Since creation’s dawn,
You, O Lord, have opened their lips;
A hiss, a screech, a bark, a purr,
A tweet, a song, a howl, a caw.
A neigh, a bleat, a cuckoo, a buzz, a roar.
You have filled their beaks,
Their wings,
Their lips
Their mouths with praise.
And we join with them in saying
What you have made is good.
To you, we give praise, honour and glory.
Father of Creation,
God of Compassion
The cosmic temple has begun to sing a different song;
A lament for what has changed,
A requiem for what has been lost,
A lament for what will be.
Father of Creation,
God of Justice,
From mountain heights to ocean depths,
The impact of humanity has been made known.
Instead of worshipping,
And keeping.
We have forsaken,
And plundered.
Have mercy on us, according to your steadfast love.
Have mercy on us, according to your steadfast love.
Father of Creation,
God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We live within both the beauty and the brokenness.
We ask that you would give us a melody of praise to
join with creation's cosmic song and dance.
We ask that you would give us a lament that
grieves for what we have lost and what will be.
May the melody of our humble existence
take up afresh our priestly calling
to tend and keep your cosmic temple
until the redemption and restoration of all things.
Father of Creation,
To him who sits on the throne and to the lamb,
Be praise, glory and honour.
