Father of Creation,
God of Grace,
We thank you for the gift of this world.
For beauty,
For the gift of life and love.
Father of Creation
God of Grace,
We thank you for the stunning diversity found within creation.
Mountains, streams and the changing of the seasons.
You declared it to be good, and it is good.
It is beautiful.
We thank you for our capacity to behold the mystery of wonder,
For the times when our breath is taken away by what we behold.
You declared it to be good, and it is good.
It is beautiful.
We thank you that we share this world with non-human worshippers,
A diverse choir that proclaims your praise.
The Sun-Set Moth, of Madagascar
worships you with each beat of its wings.
The Swallow-Tailed Hummingbird
honours you as it hovers.
The Candy Crab
proclaims your praise as it turns yellow, white and pink.
The Zanzibar Red Colobus
with its unusual smell,
The Black Backed Kingfisher,
small and precious in your sight.
The Fennic Fox,
the smallest fox with the biggest ears.
And yet we recognise that your world is grieving,
As the diversity of your world becomes less diverse.
Instead of acting as gardeners,
We have plundered Eden.
We have misused our power.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
We live in a world of endlings and extinctions,
We have misused our power
And we have unleashed the gates of hell through
consumerism and unrestrained capitalism.
Lord have mercy,
Christ have mercy.
And yet we hear your call afresh.
You have not abandoned us,
But you have shown your love to us in Jesus.
And yet we hear your call afresh.
You are the healer of all hurts,
You will make all things new.
Equip us anew so that we would turn away from our
parasitical tendencies,
And instead, reinvigorate us by your Spirit
so that we,
your church,
can look and love like Jesus.
So that we too can partake of the holy kingdom rebellion
for all that is good, true and beautiful.
Call us afresh to our
poetical and prophetic calling
so that we can discern and
speak truth
to the reality in which we find ourselves.
Call us afresh to our
poetical and prophetic calling
so that we can offer a fresh imagination and story.
Father of Creation,
God of Grace,
Wake us up,
Equip us afresh.
The world is in peril,
Let us be your hands and feet.
Father of Creation,
God of Grace,
We thank you for the gift of this world.
For beauty,
For the gift of life and love.
Father of Creation,
God of Grace,
We thank you for the stunning diversity found within creation.
Mountains, streams and the changing of the seasons.
You declared it to be good,
and it is good.
It is beautiful.
