Hope leans forward,
listening to the whispers of creation
groaning for renewal.
It does not turn its face from shadows
but gazes through them,
finding in the darkness
the first faint glimmer of dawn.
There is a holy audacity in hope—
a quiet trust and boldness,
knowing the story is held
in hands not our own,
nail scarred hands that invite us
to weave and work with them
a future of beauty and grace.
Hope speaks where
fear falters,
narrating a kingdom ,
telling a story
where the scattered are gathered,
where the weary find rest &
the exile a home.
It does not retreat,
nor stumble
beneath the solemn,
world-weary weight.
It moves with sacred purpose,
a searching grace,
a steady faith.
Hope is a spring,
a foretaste,
an existential refreshing
a momentary liberation
that lifts us from despair.
Hope knows the wounds of this world,
but counters fear
with holy persistence, &
holy resistance,
declaring that there is not a hurt
he will not heal.
a gift,
a call to action,
a quiet confidence that moves towards the pain—
not alone,
but with hands outstretched,
pulling the darkness of this world
towards the light of Christ.
Hope leans forward,
‘Be ready,
Greet it with a kiss.’

-Swales, 2025